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Colour Code for ISO 9001

15 October 2018

A local manufacturer of springs had a problem with differentiating products during the production cycle that were either 'on hold', rejects or ready for the next stage.

We helped them by suggesting the use of coloured plastic 'Euro' containers that were not only extremely tough to suit the environment, but could be stacked to maximise the use of space.

After talking with them it was decided that a 'Traffic Light' system would work;

Green Euro Containers would signify products that were fine, Yellow Euro Containers would be for items 'on hold, awaiting inspection' and finally any products that were not up to scratch would be placed in Red Euro Containers.

Green Euro Stacking ContainerYellow Euro Stacking ContainerRed Euro Stacking Container

The customer was happy that not only did the introduction of these colour coded plastic stacking containers lead to increased efficiencies and reduced wastage, it also lead to fewer 'occurances' in their Quality Management System ISO 9001 and reduced meeting times!


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