These steps glide easily across floors, but once body weight is applied they stay firmly in position
The strong steel dome feet enclose the spring loaded castor & are fitted with a solid moulded protection ring that grips firmly to the floor when in use.
2-6 Tread Units: Mobile on 2 rear wheels 150mm dia and 2 front spring loaded castors to achieve weight reactive function. Units move freely when pushed (unmounted) & stand firmly on ground once they are mounted in use
7-10 Tread Units: Made mobile on 150mm wheels & the use of a unique grip lift mechanism facilitating movement on 75mm retractable castors Available with Expanded Steel, Phenolic or Aluminium Treads
Ideal for access to mezzanine floors & for servicing large plant machinery/automotive equipment
54º version is for use in areas where space is limited
48º Angle, easy slope version also available and is designed for areas where there is space available, enabling the user to turn around & descend the steps facing forward.
Extra large platform size: 800W by 1700D mm
Extra wide treads: 750W x 182D mm
Fitted with grip lift mechanism to facilitate movement on the castors
Expanded steel mesh treads and platform
Mobile on 2 x 200mm rubber wheels & 2 x 125mm rubber castors
Complete with fixed handrail at the end of the platform & 1 hook-on platform handrail (handrail with centre rail for 2 to 6 tread units & handrail with centre & toe rail for 7 to 10 treads)
Ideal for access to mezzanine floors & for servicing large plant machinery/automotive equipment
48º Angle easy slope version is designed for areas where there is space available, enabling the user to turn around & descend the steps facing forward.
54º version also available and is for use in areas where space is limited
Extra large platform size: 800W by 1700D mm
Extra wide treads: 750W x 182D mm
Fitted with grip lift mechanism to facilitate movement on the castors
Expanded steel mesh treads and platform
Mobile on 2 x 200mm rubber wheels & 2 x 125mm rubber castors
Complete with fixed handrail at the end of the platform & 1 hook-on platform handrail (handrail with centre rail for 2 to 6 tread units & handrail with centre & toe rail for 7 to 10 treads)